Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sydney, Adelaide, Australia


Gday mate! Sydney was gorgeous. Very quaint and cute mixed with big cityness. A friend from college let me stay with her in her adorable new apartment in rosebay. Rosebay is in Sydney near the opera house and is like the Montecito of the area. We hit up target and Kmart and it has been so nice to feel like I'm back in civilization after a month of sweaty trekking. I am in shock with the prices here. Granted, Aussies make much more than Americans so the cost of living is higher as well. For someone who isn't currently making any money, I find it extremely challenging to spend $20+ on a drink. I can always gauge inflation based on gas, obviously, but also on the price of avocados. At a whopping $4-5 dollars per avo, my pockets are nearly penniless already. Luckily Meghan was so gracious to let me stay at her house, and I even had my own room! 

I helped her babysit the spawn from hell for an afternoon and it was like one of those really bad nightmares that you can't wake up out of. After babysitting two year old Alfie the whole day we had to go and pick up the other boys at school. We show up and there are just a few parents lingering around outside waiting for the bell to ring. Everyone is calm and collected until "ding ding ding" and there's a mad dash of hundreds of kids who are all wearing the exact same thing plus a large brimmed hat to block out the scorching Aussie sun. I'm immediately panicked because the two year old has run off and I I have not a clue what the other boys look like. Meghan quickly introduces me to them and runs off to look for Alfie. I'm in a full sweat trying to keep tabs on the two other boys who had run outside, but to me they may have well been ants in a sea of spilt sugar. As I'm running around trying to find them I'm sifting through a kid who has completely dropped trou to sit in a fresh puddle, an abundance of booger picking, and frantic hand throwing screaming fits. I have a completely frazzled look on my face and am trying to scold these children who I haven't even been introduced to. in the meantime, Meghan comes back with a non Chalant look on her face with Alfies body perpendicular to hers as she has one arm wrapped around his mid section and his feet flailing in the air. Instant birth control right there!

Meghan had to leave for the week so I hung out at her apartment with her lovely boyfriend who was so gracious to allow me to stay there. I did a lot of exploring and figured out the bus and ferry systems in the city. Sydney reminded me of a more condensed version of San Francisco with its scenic views and ferry system. I explored the opera house, the botanic gardens, awesome shopping areas, art museums, the "ghetto" which was not really ghetto in the least considering I'm used to crack junkies breathing down my neck in San Francisco. I did a lot of cooking, running, and hiking along the beautiful bluffs. I took a bus out one day to the blue mountains, which is reminiscent to the Grand Canyon plus some incredible waterfalls. I hiked down into the canyon and back up while passing through old coal mines and the steepest railroad in the world!

My bus driver was obsessed with his microphone. He had a handheld mic, as well as a headset and I'm pretty sure he loved the sound of his own voice. I was drifting off to sleep and he turned on his mic saying "wakey wakey!!" To point out in detail the flowers that were in the surrounding area. His name was "jc" and he wore suspenders and kept making Jesus jokes that were weird and uncomfortable. Needless to say, it made the trip that much more enjoyable being able to laugh not with but at someone for an entire day. 

I got to Adelaide last friday and am staying with my roommate/friend from sf's family. I've met her mom before and they are both so so lovely. It's really comforting to be around parental figures at this point in my trip. I'm going through a really tough time right now and feel immensely better being around familiar faces. Clara's mom is a printmaker and art teacher and has an epic studio in her house dedicated to her work. Their house is adorable and reminds me of a diner from the 50's. part of their house used to be a deli back in the day...really cute and funky!

Clara's best friend Michael (who met angie in portugal a few years ago, then introduced us to clara who was only meant to stay at our house for a couple days...but we haven't let her leave and it's almost been 10 months!) has been showing me around and took me out the othernight for a night on the town. We stayed out until 5 am dancing and had so much fun. He is actually hilarious.  He has already planned my entire week for me and I really appreciate planners because I am not one whatsoever! 

Monday night I went to his family's Italian dinner, and they were all so nice and the lasagna was off the chain.  Monday we wet to wullunga beach which was picturesque, Tuesday we went to the pool and then out for Mexican food which was delicious, wednesday was quiz night with his radio station, and yesterday he took me to a cricket match.

Michael  has traveled for a year alone, and we've discussed the awkwardness of meeting or even just interacting with anyone in general and how your voice changes a few octaves and gets really awkward. We have a lot of things in common and have similar personalities-we both sniff Everything, hate when people talk about their dreams, and other pet peeves of the sort. He and Clara met in junior high and used to spend every night on the phone together while they watched the Simpsons. So cute! 

Clara's dad Tom took me to the local central market that immediately reminded me of mercado centrale in Florence Italy. Tons of different vendors selling all sorts of produce, cheese, and meats. I bought a bunch of stuff and made a thanksgiving meal for Tom and Olga last night. I didnt make anything super thanksgivingy because I could never do it well and it would probably just make me homesick in my ugly attempt. Tom bought kangaroo meat and I am anxious to give it a try. he's has been super nice in driving me around everywhere and I'm thinking its time for me to invest in a pair of rollerblades or a bike because I've decided to stay here for another week. 

I am "earning my keep" by putting together ikea furniture and making dinner for Olga and Tom. I am hoping they are not too upset with the fact that I'm staying longer then planned but I feel so at home here and am enjoying laughing and doing non touristy things. 

I went through a few days in sydey where I almost felt I was becoming invisible. The good thing about traveling alone is that you can kind of do whatever you'd like whenever you'd like. However, you have to be pretty intentional about reaching out to strangers if you desire any company. I'm pretty shy when I am meeting people so this is not easy for me at all, but its good for me to be forced out of my comfort zone. Luckily here in Adelaide I've been surrounded by gracious and hilarious people and barely a second goes by where I'm not communicating with someone. 

I'm happy, healthy, and well. Just trying to figure out how on earth I'm going to afford the rest of this trip. Hopefully I can find some light work I can do in New Zealand to help me out with some chump change. 

I've had requests to write more frequently which I will try to do! I really really appreciate all the emails, texts, and FaceTime from family and friends. Your smiling faces have been a Godsend. Please keep in touch!! See you all in exactly one month! 

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